Ingeniería de Topografía y Caminos S. A. (T&C S. A. ), with its experience in electromechanical works, has developed various public projects for the construction, assembly and extension of electric substations from 220,000 to 66,000 volts and medium and high voltage lines of 220kV and 66kV, both aerial and underground, in important urbanizations in the country.


These are the latest works in this area:

CONTRACT No. 7983/2020, ANDE International Public Tender No. 1542/2019, Yguazú 500Kv Substation Construction and Interconnection Project, Lot 1

Description of the work:   Concrete for civil works: 8,128m3, soil movement: 1,000,000m3, total area 100Ha, built area 34 hectares.

Construction and Assembly of 220kv High Voltage line Itakyry-Curuguaty Stretch

Alto Paraná and Canindeyú Department

Name of the contract: Construction and Assembly of 220kv High Voltage line Itakyry-Curuguaty Stretch – Alto Paraná and Canindeyú Department
Total length: 88,46 km

220kV Substation at Cambyretá, Sajonia, Quiindy and Capitan Bado

Itapúa, Central, Paraguarí and Amambay Departments

Name of the contract: 220kV Substation at Cambyretá, Sajonia, Quiindy and Capitan Bado – Itapúa, Central, Paraguarí and Amambay Departments.
Total area built: 500m2
Assembly of Transformers: 8 units of 41. 7 mva
Maneuvers and tower yards: 16. 000 m2

Extension of the Sajonia substation and construction of the 220 kV High Voltage Line - Sajonia-Villa Hayes Stretch

Central and Presidente Hayes Departments

Name of the contract: Extension of the Sajonia substation and construction of the 220 kV High Voltage Line – Sajonia-Villa Hayes Stretch – Central and Presidente Hayes Departments.
Total length:  500 km
Total construction to high voltage line: 2 x 220 kv

Construction and assembly of high voltage line Substation Sajonia-Lambaré Stretch.

Contract Name: Construction and assembly of high voltage line Substation Sajonia-Lambaré Stretch.
Total Transmission Line Length: 10km

Construction and assembly of the 220 kV High Voltage line Horqueta-Pedro Juan Caballero Stretch

Concepción and Amambay Department

Name of the contract:  Construction and assembly of the 220 kV High Voltage line Horqueta-Pedro Juan Caballero Stretch – Concepción and Amambay Department
Total length: 200 km